Dwarf Name Generator 2021

21 Jul 2021 by dwarfnamegenerator

What is Dwarf Name Generator?

Dwarves are one of the most mysterious and secretive races in modern fantasy. A race of people that are small in stature but mighty in spirit often live in caves or mines below the surface.

Made popular in modern RPGs and other role-playing games such as The Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, World of Warcraft and the popular tabletop game DnD Dungeons and Dragons.

Using this dwarf name generator will help you come up with some cool names that you can use for your characters.

Dwarves are well known for their skill in metallurgy. Known for several coveted metal alloys which they have often taken to the grave.

Dwarven axes, maces, and other battle gear can be highly valuable in the fantasy world.

If you wish to create a dwarf character, then you will need to come up with a cool and interesting dwarf name that sounds like it is actually real.

The language they use is one that is not often heard spoken, which does make this tricky.

If you are creating a new character and are looking for an interesting name that fits the bill, check out the generator below to come up with lots of interesting dwarf name ideas.

Dwarf Last Names

Dwarves often use their family names to go along with their first. It shows confidence, loyalty, stature, and can often open doors pure force cannot.

Female Dwarf Names

Female dwarves have plenty of facial hair, though many keep shaving it off, and even the strongest male warriors don’t have the last say when it comes to their homes.

Male Dwarf Names

Male dwarves are often gruff, suspicious, loyal, stubborn, and strong. They are coordinated and always make for one highly-disciplined army.

Dwarf Names For RPGs and DnD

Finding the perfect dwarf name is tough as there may be character traits that you would like to tailor your naming to. If you are looking for something specific, try to generate some random names and take inspiration from them. Whether it is a first name for a male or first name for a female, you can easily substitute in a new surname to complete your character.

To save you some effort, here are some of the best suggestions that this dwarf name generator has created. You can mix these names with ideas of your own or use the tool to come up with further suggestions in order to create something that suits what you are looking to create

Mountain Dwarf Name

Mountain dwarves about 4’5” tall and usually weigh around 160 pounds. They are strong, tenacious, diligent, and gruff. Dwelling deep inside the mountains, they dig ever-deeper, searching for that great score, that gem cache waiting to be discovered.

Mountain dwarves honor family, clan, and tradition. While pushing the mining and the craftsmanship beyond the scope of most other races, they are also well trained in all military aspects from a young age. They prefer strict discipline and tactics.

Their greed and pride can often cloud their judgment, while their traditional ways guarantee absolute loyalty to their own family and clan. They rarely venture out of the mountains, preferring their marvelously crafted underground halls.

Mountain Dwarf Last Names

Mountain dwarves take great pride in their family and their clan. They will speak their last name proudly and loudly, letting it speak for itself.

Female Mountain Dwarf Names

While perhaps they aren’t as skilled and proficient at war as the males are, they are just as good at craftsmanship, often surpassing them in terms of ability and quality.

Male Mountain Dwarf Names

Trained for combat from an early age, they are disciplined, honoring the chain of command. They are reserved, but ready to protect their own whenever needed.

Hill Dwarf Name Generator

Hill dwarves have long forgotten their mountain homes, and, in fact, if you asked them they would tell you they always lived “in these hills”. They are usually around 4ft tall and weigh as humans do, making them quite bulky.

Opposed to their mountain counterparts, they are much more friendly and open to cooperating with other races. While they still have many craftsmen among their ranks, hill dwarves are also traders and fortune seekers, even ready to find a new home.

They adore gold and all sorts of precious metals, crafting wondrous jewelry out of it. They honor traditions and are known to be reserved, often having set goals given to them at an early age. Arranged marriages happen often as well.

Hill Dwarf Last Names

Living in more populated areas, they learned to adapt to a different kind of life. Going even further, many now have last names that sound more akin to the human ones.

Female Hill Dwarf Names

Some female hill dwarves are known to have and groom beards. They are versatile, handling exotic animals and crafting magnificent jewelry.

Male Hill Dwarf Names

Brave warriors and cunning traders, they cling to materialistic things, such as precious metals, using them to craft enchanted weapons and armor.

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